Environmental Analysis Chromatography Products

A comprehensive range of products for air, water and soil analysis that provide reliable, accurate, and precise results that make compliance simpler and help minimize regulatory risks. From sample preparation to sample security and separation we have the most comprehensive range of chromatography consumables for your environmental workflow.

Product selection

Accucore Columns

Solid core particles enabling high speed, high resolution separations with back pressures significantly lower than those associated with UHPLC.

EPA screw neck vials

Select the right vial for water analysis application using EPA guidelines

Target2 Filters

Ensure reliable elimination of both particles and micro organisms in the sample preparation process, providing consistent and reliable experimental results for a range of samples and applications.

HyperSep SPE Products

A flexible range of SPE solutions to enable effective extraction of compunds of interest.

SureStop 9mm Vials

Remove subjectivity around achieving optimal compression when sealing a vial. Improve analytical results and reduce analysis error rate that results from the evapouration of solvent in improperly sealed vials.

GC Columns

The premium standard in GC column performance, delivering low bleed, excellent reproducibility and high levels of inertness.

Hypersil Columns

Thermo Scientific™ Hypersil GOLD™ columns offers chromatographers outstanding peak shape for reversed phase, ion exchange, HILIC or normal phase chromatography.

GC Accessories (Syringes, Septa, Liners, Ferrules)

A comprehensive range of GC accessories which are designed to give optimum system performance for today's challenging gc analysis.