Clinical Chromatography Products

Innovative, reliable and easy-to-use Thermo Scientific™ solutions to help you meet the demanding needs at every stage of your clinical analysis. From sample preparation to sample security and separation we have the most comprehensive range of chromatography consumables for your clinical workflow.

Product selection

Hypersil Columns

Thermo Scientific™ Hypersil GOLD™ columns offers chromatographers outstanding peak shape for reversed phase, ion exchange, HILIC or normal phase chromatography.

TraceGold columns

Ultra-low bleed, high levels of reproducibility, and superior inertness – Leading to greater sensitivity, essential for GC/MS applications, while providing extended column lifetime

Accucore™ Biphenyl

Excellent durability in a variety of matrices. Achieve fast, high-resolution separations without elevated backpressures and optimal separation in methanol gradients.

HyperSep Retain Products

Reproducible and clean sample extractions. Versatile polymeric materials for the retention of polar, non-polar, basic and acidic drugs.

SureStop 9mm Vials

Remove subjectivity around achieving optimal compression when sealing a vial. Improve analytical results and reduce analysis error rate that results from the evapouration of solvent in improperly sealed vials.

SOLA Products (Cartridges and Plates)

Thermo Scientific™ SOLA™ products provide unparalleled performance characteristics for bioanalysis compared to conventional SPE due to the innovative fritless design...

Accucore Columns

Solid core particles enabling high speed, high resolution separations with back pressures significantly lower than those associated with UHPLC.


A comprehensive range of well plate solutions enabling high sample integrity for high density sample handling in chromatography.