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Catalog Number: (10799-876)
Supplier: Rockland Immunochemical
Description: Adhesion to extracellular matrix regulates cell survival through both integrin engagement and appropriate cell spreading. Anoikis is the molecular mechanism of apop-tosis induced by integrin detachment. Amino-terminal enhancer of split (AES) is a member of the Groucho/ transducin-like enhancer of split (TLE) family of transcriptional regulators, a group of transcriptional co-repressors that play important roles in neurogenesis, segmentation, and sex determination. AES forms a complex with Bit1 (Bcl-2 inhibitor of transcription 1), a mitochondrial protein that is released into the cytoplasm upon onset of apoptosis. It has been suggested that this complex turns off a survival-promoting gene transcription program controlled by the TLE protein family. Interestingly, apoptosis of cells transfected with AES and Bit1 could be inhibited if the cells were allowed to attach to fibronectin through the alpha5beta1 integrin suggesting that the Bit1-AES pathway contributing to anoikis is regulated by integrins, and in particular, the alpha5beta1 integrin.

Supplier: Rockland Immunochemical
Description: Sterile Plasma in Anticoagulant

Catalog Number: (10799-864)
Supplier: Rockland Immunochemical
Description: 5-methyl Cytidine is a modified nucleotide found in the DNA of both plants and vertebrates. Anti-5-mC Antibody is ideal for research in Epigenetics, specifically DNA methylation, due to its applicability to methylation analysis.

Catalog Number: (10800-142)
Supplier: Rockland Immunochemical
Description: Ataxin-1 is a member of the ATXN1 protein family and contains a single AXH domain. It is a neurodegenerative disorder protein thought to have a role in the metabolism of RNA as it has been shown to localize to the RNA and transcription dependent inclusions within the nucleus. A mutation of Ataxin-1 is the cause of spinocerebellar ataxia type-1 (SCA1), a progressive, neurodegenerative disease that is autosomal dominant and primarily affects the Purjinke cells found in brain stem neuronal populations and the cerebellum. Expression of Ataxin-1 is almost ubiquitous, except in the brain where it is isolated to populations of neurons. Anti-Ataxin-1 is ideal for research in Neuroscience.

Catalog Number: (10800-136)
Supplier: Rockland Immunochemical
Description: Ataxin-1 is a member of the ATXN1 protein family and contains a single AXH domain. It is a neurodegenerative disorder protein thought to have a role in the metabolism of RNA as it has been shown to localize to the RNA and transcription dependent inclusions within the nucleus. A mutation of Ataxin-1 is the cause of spinocerebellar ataxia type-1 (SCA1), a progressive, neurodegenerative disease that is autosomal dominant and primarily affects the Purjinke cells found in brain stem neuronal populations and the cerebellum. Expression of Ataxin-1 is almost ubiquitous, except in the brain where it is isolated to populations of neurons.

Catalog Number: (10800-146)
Supplier: Rockland Immunochemical
Description: Ataxin-1 is a member of the ATXN1 protein family and contains a single AXH domain. It is a neurodegenerative disorder protein thought to have a role in the metabolism of RNA as it has been shown to localize to the RNA and transcription dependent inclusions within the nucleus. A mutation of Ataxin-1 is the cause of spinocerebellar ataxia type-1 (SCA1), a progressive, neurodegenerative disease that is autosomal dominant and primarily affects the Purjinke cells found in brain stem neuronal populations and the cerebellum. Expression of Ataxin-1 is almost ubiquitous, except in the brain where it is isolated to populations of neurons. Anti-Ataxin-1 is ideal for research in Neuroscience.

Catalog Number: (10800-170)
Supplier: Rockland Immunochemical
Description: Cyclic AMP-dependent transcription factor ATF-4 (ATF4) is a basic leucine-zipper (bZip) transcription factor, which regulates amino acid metabolism, DNA damage repair, chromatin remodeling, and apoptosis in response to cellular and ER stress. ATF4 works with various proteins, such as C/EBP homology protein (CHOP), aspargine synthetase (ASNS), and cAMP response element (CRE) among others to mediate cellular stress. ATF4 also regulates glucose homeostasis by suppressing beta-cell proliferation and insulin production. Furthermore, ATF4 targets the histone demethylase JMJD3 to alter chromatin structure and enhance gene transcription in response to amino acid deprivation. Anti-ATF4 is ideal for researchers interested in Cell Signaling, Oncology, Cell Differentiation, and Apoptosis; relevant pathways include MAPK signaling pathways, Activation of cAMP-Dependent PKA, CREB pathways, GPCR pathways and Rho Family GTPases.

Catalog Number: (10800-216)
Supplier: Rockland Immunochemical
Description: Autophagy, the process of bulk degradation of cellular proteins through an autophagosomic-lysosomal pathway is important for normal growth control and may be defective in tumor cells. It is involved in the preservation of cellular nutrients under starvation conditions as well as the normal turnover of cytosolic components. This process is negatively regulated by TOR (Target of rapamycin) through phosphorylation of autophagy protein APG1. ATG5, another member of the autophagy protein family, forms a conjugate with ATG12; this conjugate has a ubiquitin-protein ligase (E3)-like activity for protein lipidation in autophagy. This conjugate also associates with innate immune response proteins such as RIG-I and VISA (also known as IPS-1), inhibiting type I interferon production and permitting viral replication in host cells.

Catalog Number: (10800-222)
Supplier: Rockland Immunochemical
Description: Autophagy, the process of bulk degradation of cellular proteins through an autophagosomic-lysosomal pathway is important for normal growth control and may be defective in tumor cells. It is involved in the preservation of cellular nutrients under starvation conditions as well as the normal turnover of cytosolic components. This process is negatively regulated by TOR (Target of rapamycin) through phosphorylation of autophagy protein APG1. ATG9B plays a role in autophagy and it's highly expressed in placenta and pituitary gland.

Catalog Number: (10800-206)
Supplier: Rockland Immunochemical
Description: Autophagy, the process of bulk degradation of cellular proteins through an autophagosomic-lysosomal pathway is important for normal growth control and may be defective in tumor cells. It is involved in the preservation of cellular nutrients under starvation conditions as well as the normal turnover of cytosolic components. This process is negatively regulated by TOR (Target of rapamycin) through phosphorylation of autophagy protein APG1. ATG3 (APG3) is a widely expressed conjugating enzyme for APG8 lipidation, an essential step for the initiation of autophagy. It functions as an E2-like enzyme during the initial stages of autophagosome formation by catalyzing the formation of the Atg8-phosphatidylethanolamine (Atg8-PE) conjugate, which is critical for autophagy.

Catalog Number: (10800-212)
Supplier: Rockland Immunochemical
Description: Autophagy, the process of bulk degradation of cellular proteins through an autophagosomic-lysosomal pathway is important for normal growth control and may be defective in tumor cells. It is involved in the preservation of cellular nutrients under starvation conditions as well as the normal turnover of cytosolic components (1,2). ATG4C, also known as autophagin-3, is one of four mammalian orthologs of the yeast ATG4 protein; all four are cysteine proteases (3). Recent studies have shown that ATG4C and Beclin-1 are regulated by the microRNA miR-376b; overexpression of miR-376b led to decreased mRNA and protein levels, thereby blocking starvation and TOR inhibition-related autophagy (4).

Catalog Number: (10800-198)
Supplier: Rockland Immunochemical
Description: Autophagy, the process of bulk degradation of cellular proteins through an autophagosomic-lysosomal pathway is important for normal growth control and may be defective in tumor cells. It is involved in the preservation of cellular nutrients under starvation conditions as well as the normal turnover of cytosolic components. This process is negatively regulated by TOR (Target of rapamycin) through phosphorylation of autophagy protein ATG1. ATG14 is a subunit of a class III phosphatidylinositol (PtdIns) 3-kinase complex that targets the complex to the endoplasmic reticulum, the site of autophagosome formation.

Catalog Number: (10800-274)
Supplier: Rockland Immunochemical
Description: Avian Influenza Neuraminidase Antibody detects internal portion of the protein. Influenza A virus is a major public health threat, killing more than 30, 000 people per year in the USA. Novel influenza virus strains emerge periodically to which humans have little or no immunity, resulting in devastating pandemics. Influenza A can exist in a variety of animals; however it is in birds that all subtypes can be found. These subtypes are classified based on the combination of the virus coat glycoproteins hemagglutinin (HA) and neuraminidase (NA) subtypes. During 1997, an H5N1 avian influenza virus was determined to be the cause of death in 6 of 18 infected patients in Hong Kong. There was some evidence of human to human spread of this virus, but it is thought that the transmission efficiency was fairly low. Although it has been known that cleavage site and glycosylation patterns of the HA protein play important roles in determining the pathogenicity of H5 avian influenza viruses, it has only recently been shown that an additional glycosylation site within the globular head of the NA protein also contributes to the high virulence of the H5N1 virus. Anti-Avian Influenza Neuraminidase antibodies are ideal for investigators involved in infectious disease reseach.

Catalog Number: (10800-256)
Supplier: Rockland Immunochemical
Description: Influenza A virus is a major public health threat, killing more than 30,000 people per year in the USA (1). Novel influenza virus strains caused by genetic drift and viral recombination emerge periodically to which humans have little or no immunity, resulting in devastating pandemics. Influenza A can exist in a variety of animals; however it is in birds that all subtypes can be found (2). These subtypes are classified based on the combination of the virus coat glycoproteins hemagglutinin (HA) and neuraminidase (NA) subtypes. H7N9 bird flu is the newest atypical influenza virus infection that has just been reported since early 2013. The emergence of this new strain occurred in China and has become the present focus for possible worldwide pandemic (3).

Catalog Number: (10800-328)
Supplier: Rockland Immunochemical
Description: β-galactosidase, (beta-gal or β-gal), is a hydrolase enzyme that catalyzes the hydrolysis of β-galactosides into monosaccharides. It may also cleave fucosides and arabinosides but with much lower efficiency. It is an essential enzyme in the human body. Deficiencies in the protein can result in galactosialidosis or Morquio B syndrome.

Catalog Number: (10800-544)
Supplier: Rockland Immunochemical
Description: Caspases are a family of cysteine proteases that can be divided into the apoptotic and inflammatory caspase subfamilies. Unlike the apoptotic caspases, members of the inflammatory subfamily are generally not involved in cell death but are associated with the immune response to microbial pathogens. Members of this subfamily include caspase-1, -4, -5, and -12 and can activate proinflammatory cytokines such as IL-1b and IL-18. Caspase-1 was initially identified as an IL-1b-converting enzyme; later experiments revealed it to be a mammalian homolog of the C. elegans cell death gene ced-3 whose overexpression can induce apoptosis in fibroblasts.

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