You Searched For: Protein Assays

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Catalog Number: (10810-052)
Supplier: Enzo Life Sciences
Description: The only commercially available kit for isolation and enrichment of SUMOylated proteins.

Catalog Number: (89156-536)
Supplier: Enzo Life Sciences
Description: This kit is a complete assay system to measure protease activity of recombinant caspase-1

Supplier: Enzo Life Sciences
Description: Robust, quantitative detection of aggresomes relevant to the study of neurodegenerative disease, liver disease and toxicology.


Catalog Number: (10033-526)
Supplier: Enzo Life Sciences
Description: This kit is ideal for reliable and accurate quantification of protein aggregation in solution.

Catalog Number: (89155-960)
Supplier: Enzo Life Sciences
Description: Based on the detection of AFC (7-amino-4-trifluoromethyl coumarin) after cleavage from the labelled substrate DEVD-AFC.

Catalog Number: (89156-550)
Supplier: Enzo Life Sciences
Description: This colorimetric kit is designed for inhibitor screening or kinetic assay of recombinant Calcineurin

Catalog Number: (89156-498)
Supplier: Enzo Life Sciences
Description: The DPPIV/CD26 Assay kit for biological samples is a complete assay system designed to measure DPPIV activity in biological fluids such as plasma, ser...

Catalog Number: (89165-452)
Supplier: Enzo Life Sciences
Description: Versatile tool for generation of ubiquitin-E2 thioesters.

Catalog Number: (76002-364)
Supplier: Enzo Life Sciences
Description: Designed to screen MMP-19 inhibitors using a quenched fluorogenic peptide.

Catalog Number: (89156-146)
Supplier: Enzo Life Sciences
Description: Histone acetyltransferases (HATs) have been implicated to play a crucial role in various cellular functions, such as gene transcription, differentiati...

Catalog Number: (10033-580)
Supplier: Enzo Life Sciences
Description: The Chemilum de Lys® HDAC/SIRT Chemiluminescent Drug Discovery Kit give you all the benefits of chemiluminescent detection without any of the side eff...

Catalog Number: (89155-970)
Supplier: Enzo Life Sciences
Description: Based on the spectrophotometric detection of the chromophore pNA (p-nitroaniline) after cleavage from the labelled substrate IETD-pNA.

Supplier: Enzo Life Sciences
Description: PROTEOSTAT® Protein aggregation assay provides a simple, homogenous assay format for monitoring peptide and protein aggregation in solution

Catalog Number: (89141-850)
Supplier: Enzo Life Sciences
Description: For the measurement of p70 S6K activity in partially purified, purified, or crude enzyme preparations from any species.

Catalog Number: (10033-574)
Supplier: Enzo Life Sciences
Description: FLUOR DE LYS® Green SIRT5 fluorometric drug discovery kit is a sensitive fluorometric assay that measures the lysyl desuccinylase activity of the reco...

Catalog Number: (89156-042)
Supplier: Enzo Life Sciences
Description: For the detection of apoptotic cells by flow cytometry.

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