You Searched For: Microorganism Tests

Test for the presence of microorganisms in media using the testing kits available. Within the food industry, use these tests to isolate and identify indicator organisms or foodborne pathogens. The supplies efficiently check food irradiation using accepted gold-standard food microbiology testing methods and can perform on-site testing of water samples to detect E. coli or other dangerous strains. All microorganism testing products are easy to use and user-friendly.

Test for the presence of microorganisms in media using the testing kits available. Within the food industry, use these tests to isolate and identify indicator organisms or foodborne pathogens. The supplies efficiently check food irradiation using accepted gold-standard food microbiology testing methods and can perform on-site testing of water samples to detect E. coli or other dangerous strains. All microorganism testing products are easy to use and user-friendly.

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Catalog Number: (90002-548)
Supplier: BD
Description: BD Taxo™ Differentiation Discs SPS (sodium polyanethol sulfonate) are used for presumptively identifying <i>Peptostreptococcus anaerobius</i> and <i>Gardnerella vaginalis.</i>

Catalog Number: (90002-546)
Supplier: BD
Description: BD Taxo™ Differentiation Discs ALA are used for rapidly detecting porphyrin as a means of speciating <i>Haemophilus</i> species.

Catalog Number: (90002-550)
Supplier: BD
Description: BD BBL™ Taxo™ Differentiation Discs ideal for differentiating Haemophilus SPP.

Supplier: Arlington Scientific
Description: The ASI Staphslide Latex Test is a convenient and specific slide agglutination assay for the qualitative detection of coagulase (both clumping factor and protein A) to identify Staphylococcus aureus to the exclusion of other species of staphylococci. This test is for use on pure culture samples suspected of being S. aureus. The ASI Staphslide Latex Test does detect methicillin resistant S. aureus (MRSA) strains that produce clumping factor and protein A.
Catalog Number: (76321-014)
Supplier: Hardy Diagnostics
Description: Transport medium for Mycofast, preserving specimen integrity for up to 72 hours before analysis, for <i>Ureaplasma urealyticum</i> (U.u.) and M<i>ycoplasma hominis</i> present in pathological patient samples.

Catalog Number: (104086-250)
Supplier: Hach
Description: The SLYM-BARTs can be used as a P/A test capable of indicating to some extent the possible population size and the types of slime-forming organisms present in the water sample. Slime-forming bacteria are able to produce copious amounts of slime without necessarily having to use any iron. Iron bacteria also produce slime, but usually it is thinner and involves the accumulation of various forms of iron. BART biodetectors are excellent diagnostic tools to help identify the presence of process disruptors, such as bacteria creating slime layers and limiting disinfection.

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Supplier: List Biological Laboratories, Inc.
Description: Bacterial lipopolysaccharides have long been recognized as the active component of gram negative bacterial endotoxins

Catalog Number: (104086-246)
Supplier: Hach
Description: BART biodetectors are excellent diagnostic tools to help identify the presence and activity of various bacteria. Sulfate reducing bacteria (SRB) are one of the most important agents in biofouling and can cause corrosion, clogging, fouling of the water and increased hygiene risks.

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Catalog Number: (104086-700)
Supplier: Hach
Description: BART biodetectors are excellent diagnostic tools to help identify the presence and activity of various bacteria.

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Catalog Number: (101449-112)
Supplier: VitaCyte
Description: CIzyme Collagenase HA is an aseptically prepared, lyophilized mixture of 60% purified Class I (C1) Collagenase and 40% purified Class II (C2) Collagenase from <i>C. histolyticum</i>


Catalog Number: (102946-478)
Supplier: List Biological Laboratories, Inc.
Description: Shiga toxin is a group of related toxins produced by <i>Shigella dysenteriae</i> and enterohemorrhagic <i>Escherichia coli</i> (EHEC)


Supplier: Hach
Description: Hach Paddle testers allow fast, easy screening of water samples, solid surfaces, and non viscous liquids where unsanitary conditions may exist. The paddle is a double-sided slide attached to the vial cap. Each side of the slide is used to perform a separate test. The slide has a molded-in grid for easy colony counting without opening the optically clear, leakproof vial. Paddle tester, total aerobic bacteria/yeast and mold (tryptone glucose extract agar/sabouraud dextrose agar).

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Supplier: Hach
Description: The Total Coliform MEL Laboratory is designed for analysts who need portable or small-scale microbiology testing capabilities. From a remote field location to a small scale microbiology lab within your existing lab, this MEL offers all the equipment and accessories to perform microbiological analysis.

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Catalog Number: (102981-226)
Supplier: Adipogen
Description: The Mycotoxin TargoSet™ offers a panel of well-characterized and highly pure compounds for screening experiments, cell-based research or as standard compounds.

Catalog Number: (104086-716)
Supplier: Hach
Description: BOD seed inoculum for use in biochemical oxygen demand (BOD5) test procedures. A blend of specialized microbial cultures in an easy-to-use capsule. Designed to provide a uniform standard for the degradation of both industrial and municipal waste in BOD5 analyses.

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Catalog Number: (104086-432)
Supplier: Hach
Description: The coliform and <i>E.coli</i> field filtration kit features m-ColiBlue24® broth and Millipore's portable filter assembly, push fit funnels and Millipore membranes to simplify membrane filtration testing in the field and also m-ColiBlue24® broth simultaneously detects total coliforms and <i>E.coli</i> in 24 hours.

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