You Searched For: Microorganism Tests

406  results were found


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Catalog Number: 10324-334
Supplier: Hardy Diagnostics

Catalog Number: 10324-342
Supplier: Hardy Diagnostics

Catalog Number: 10324-430
Supplier: Hardy Diagnostics

Catalog Number: 10324-426
Supplier: Hardy Diagnostics

Description: PYR Test Kit w/20ml Chromogenic Developer
Catalog Number: 10053-788
Supplier: Hardy Diagnostics

Catalog Number: 10324-382
Supplier: Hardy Diagnostics

Product available on GSA Advantage®

Description: HardyVal, MediUm Risk Kit - Comprehensive, for USP 797 Compliance, Microbial Contamination Testing for CSP's
Catalog Number: 89408-160
Supplier: Hardy Diagnostics

Catalog Number: 10324-472
Supplier: Hardy Diagnostics

Description: AFB Nitrate Reagent B, (naphthylethylenediamine, 0.1%), for AFB Nitrate Test for mycobacteria identification, 15ml, used with Nitrate Substrate Broth and AFB Nitrate Reagent A, Reagent B contains naphthylethylenediamine 2HCL
Catalog Number: 75993-560
Supplier: Hardy Diagnostics

Catalog Number: 76628-080
Supplier: Hardy Diagnostics

Catalog Number: 10033-538
Supplier: Enzo Life Sciences

Description: HardyDisks* AST Ampicillin/Sulbactam, SAM-20, impregnated paper disks used for Antimicrobial Susceptibility Testing (AST), also known as Kirby-Bauer testing, fully compatible with the BBL single or multiple disk dispensers, 5 x 50 disks
Catalog Number: 75993-456
Supplier: Hardy Diagnostics

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