Weight Calibration

Avantor Services offers weight calibration by ISO/IEC 17025, NVLAP-Accredited laboratories to support accuracy in your research processes.
To order calibration services, please select the orange "Request a Quote Today" button. We will provide a quote to you within 24 hours.
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Or, you can contact us at 1.888.793.2300 or Equipmentservices.US@Avantorsciences.com.
NVLAP Accredited and Traceable calibration are available. We service analytical precision weights, OIML precision weights, electronic balance weights, cast iron weights, brass weights, stainless steel weights, heavy capacity weights, and stainless steel weight carts, ranging from 1 mg through 1000 kg (0.00035 oz to 3000 lb) with capabilities from 0.050 mg through 5000 lb.
Avantor Services offers fast calibration service in six business days. If your weights are found to be out of tolerance, we will make the proper adjustments to bring them back into tolerance.
To prevent loss and ensure the timely processing and integrity of your precision weights and/or calibration devices, please do not pack in foam peanuts. Please avoid packing your items with foam, packing peanuts or other material, which cannot be recycled.