VWR® Talon® Clamps

The unique design of the VWR Talon clamps, rods, supports, connectors, and accessories conceivable offers one of the most extensive selections in the industry. With a variety of sizes, materials, hardware, and designs, there is always an option to accommodate any application.
The general purpose clamps securely hold any items for complete control in operations. Manufactured or plated in strong materials including stainless steel, aluminum, nickel, chrome, and various alloys, the instruments are extremely resistant. Three-prong grip styles may feature an extension arm to allow for any angle flexibility. Designed for an easy grip, most clamps use knobs for precise adjustment to desired tightness.
Retort stands to hold burettes, flasks, and other labware during procedures are available at VWR. Sets include both stainless steel rod and base, or stainless steel rod and cast iron base. Bases of cast iron coated with enamel are featured in rectangular, tripod, and U-shaped options. Different rod lengths for the support of different diameters of labware are also supplied through VWR, as well as retort rings and clamps.
VWR offers a complete choice of standard and custom frames and rods in corrosion resistant, stainless steel or aluminum. Use rod connectors when semi-permanent installations are required, holding rods firmly for a stable support system. All rods are structurally strong and resistant to clamp compression scars, and certain models are immune to corrosion and rust due to the manner of their fabrication. All parts are sold as kits or separately for easy ordering of replacements.
Product selection

VWR® Talon® Multi-Purpose Clamps
A Talon Clamp for Every Application; Choose From Over 85 Options to Hold Everything In Your Lab. Stainless Steel available for corrosive environments.

VWR® Talon® Connectors & Holders
Select the right size and material for holding and connecting clamps to support stands and lab-frames.

VWR® Talon® Support Jacks
Lab jacks provide stable height adjustment for various items in the labs such as flasks or small equipment. Stainless Steel or Aluminum in 7 sizes.

VWR® Talon® Support Rods and Frames
Pre-configured kits in a variety of materials, or build your own. Everything you need to assemble semi-permanent installations for a stable support