Restriction Enzymes: An Overview

Restriction Enzymes: An Overview

It will also discuss the applications of restriction enzymes in molecular biology and biotechnology and the potential limitations when working with these enzymes.

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The four types of restriction enzymes are Type I, Type II, Type III and Type IV. Type II is the most commonly used in molecular biology research. It recognizes and cuts DNA at specific palindromic sequences, resulting in DNA fragments with sticky ends that can be easily ligated to other DNA fragments. Type I, Type III and Type IV have more complex mechanisms of action and are less commonly used in research.

Restriction Enzymes: An Overview

Restriction enzymes are proteins produced by bacteria and archaea that can cleave DNA molecules at specific sites to create DNA fragments that have known sequences at each end.

The discovery of restriction enzymes helped revolutionize the field of molecular biology by giving scientists the ability to manipulate DNA and study it in various applications including genetic engineering and DNA sequencing. This article will provide information about restriction enzymes, their properties, classification and action mechanisms.

It will also discuss the applications of restriction enzymes in molecular biology and biotechnology and the potential limitations when working with these enzymes.

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What are restriction enzymes?

Restriction enzymes were discovered in the 1960s by molecular biologists studying the bacterial immune system. These enzymes now play a significant role in genetic engineering and molecular biology as they help manipulate DNA sequences.

Microorganisms, such as bacteria, produce these enzymes to defend against invading viruses. They recognize and cut DNA sequences foreign to the bacteria, which helps protect the bacterial genome from infection.

Additionally, restriction enzymes employ specificity by recognizing certain DNA sequences, usually four to eight base pairs long. The enzyme's structure determines the specificity, which helps recognize and bind to a specific DNA sequence.

Restriction enzymes are commonly used in molecular biology for various applications, including DNA cloning, DNA sequencing and gene editing. In DNA cloning, these enzymes cut DNA at specific locations, which helps insert new DNA fragments.

In DNA sequencing, restriction enzymes generate DNA fragments of a predictable size required for sequencing. In gene editing, restriction enzymes can precisely cut and remove or replace specific DNA sequences.

There are many restriction enzymes, each with specific recognition sequences and cutting patterns. These enzymes are named after the bacteria from which they were originally isolated. Now that we know about restriction enzymes, let’s discuss how these enzymes work to facilitate DNA sequencing.

How do restriction enzymes work?

Restriction enzymes are found naturally in bacteria to defend against foreign DNA, such as viruses. They are commonly used in molecular biology to manipulate DNA molecules for various purposes, such as cloning, sequencing and genetic engineering.

The function of restriction enzymes involves recognizing and cleaving specific DNA sequences. Each restriction enzyme recognizes a specific sequence, typically four to eight nucleotides long and cuts the DNA molecule at a specific point within or near that sequence. For instance, the restriction enzyme EcoRI recognizes the sequence GAATTC and cleaves the DNA molecule between the G and the A.

The enzymes usually cleave DNA in a staggered manner, creating overhangs. The overhangs created by one restriction enzyme can complement those created by another.

Restriction enzymes can be used for various purposes. For example, they can isolate a specific gene or sequence of interest from a larger DNA molecule by cutting the DNA at specific points and extracting the desired fragment.

They can also help create recombinant DNA molecules by cutting two of them with the same restriction enzyme and then joining them together using DNA ligase. In addition, they help analyze DNA sequences by cutting DNA at specific sites to examine the resulting fragments with gel electrophoresis or other techniques.

These enzymes are further subdivided into four types that perform specific functions. The types of restriction enzymes are discussed in detail below.

4 types of restriction enzymes

Restriction enzymes (endonucleases) cut DNA at specific recognition sequences. These enzymes are widely used in molecular biology techniques such as DNA cloning, gene editing and DNA sequencing.

These four main types of restriction enzymes differ in their structure, mechanism of action and recognition sequences.

Type I enzymes

Type I enzymes comprise R, M and S subunits. The M subunit recognizes and binds to the specific DNA sequence. In contrast, the R subunit allows for cutting the DNA while the S subunit acts as a molecular switch controlling the R subunit activity.

These enzymes are known for cutting DNA at a variable distance from the recognition sequence, typically within 1000 to 7000 base pairs. Additionally, they exhibit DNA translocation activity and move along the DNA molecule to cut it at multiple locations or sites. Below are examples of this type of restriction enzyme.

Examples of type I enzymes

  • EcoKI: This enzyme is derived from Escherichia coli and recognizes the sequence G(A/T)GC(G/C)C. It consists of three subunits: HsdR, HsdM and HsdS.
  • BsuMI: This enzyme is derived from Bacillus subtilis and recognizes the sequence C(C/T)CGG. BsuM, BsuS and BsuR are some of the subunits of BsuMI.
  • PaeR7I: This enzyme is derived from Pseudomonas aeruginosa, recognizing the sequence CTCGAG. PaeM, PaeS and PaeR are the three subunits of PaeR7I.
  • Bme1390I: Bacillus methanolicus is the enzyme source for Bme1390I that recognizes the sequence GATC. It has three subunits: BmeR, BmeM and BmeS.
  • FokI: This enzyme is derived from Flavobacterium okeanokoites and recognizes the sequence GGATG. FokI and FokI* are the two subunits of this enzyme, with the latter being responsible for DNA cleavage.


Type II enzymes

Type II enzymes are the most commonly used restriction enzymes that recognize a specific DNA sequence and cleave the DNA at precise sites within or near the recognition sequence.

Unlike type I enzymes, type II enzymes don’t require ATP or other factors for their activity. These enzymes comprise a single polypeptide chain and are categorized into families depending on the sequence similarity and structural features. Below are examples of this type of restriction enzyme.

Examples of type II enzymes

  • EcoRI: This enzyme recognizes and cleaves the sequence 5'-GAATTC-3' and produces sticky ends.
  • HindIII: This one recognizes and cleaves the sequence 5'-AAGCTT-3' and produces sticky ends similar to the first one.
  • BamHI: This enzyme recognizes and cleaves the sequence 5'-GGATCC-3’. Like the EcoRI and HindIII, they also produce sticky ends.
  • PstI: This enzyme recognizes and cleaves the sequence 5'-CTGCAG-3'. However, unlike the above three, they produce blunt ends.
  • EcoRV: This enzyme recognizes and cleaves the sequence 5'-GATATC-3'. They also produce blunt ends.
  • SmaI: This enzyme recognizes and cleaves the sequence 5'-CCCGGG-3’. Similar to the previous two, they also produce blunt ends.

Type III enzymes

Type III enzymes are similar to Type I and comprise three subunits. The M subunit recognizes the specific DNA sequence. In contrast, the R subunit cleaves the DNA. The S subunit acts as a molecular switch that controls the activity of the R subunit.

However, Type III enzymes are unique as they require both ATP and S-adenosyl-L-methionine to facilitate the process. Additionally, they cut the DNA at a variable distance from the recognition sequence, similar to Type I enzymes. Below are some examples of type III enzymes.

Examples of type III enzymes

  • EcoP15I: This enzyme recognizes the 5'-CAGCAG-3' sequence and cleaves 25-27 base pairs downstream.
  • EcoP1I: It recognizes the 5'-GGTGA-3' sequence and cleaves 25-27 base pairs downstream.
  • EcoP5: This enzyme recognizes the 5'-CAGCAG-3' sequence and cleaves 24-27 base pairs downstream rather than 25-27 pairs.
  • EcoP15: This enzyme recognizes the 5'-CAGCAG-3' sequence and cleaves 25-27 base pairs downstream.
  • EcoP2I: It recognizes the 5'-CCWGG-3' sequence and cleaves 20-25 base pairs downstream instead of the former ones.
  • EcoP3: This enzyme recognizes the 5'-CGG-3' sequence and cleaves 25-27 base pairs downstream.
  • EcoP4: This enzyme recognizes the 5'-GAGTC-3' sequence and cleaves downstream 22-25 base pairs.
  • PstII: It recognizes the 5'-CTGCAG-3' sequence and cleaves downstream 20-25 base pairs, the lowest out of all the above.

Type IV enzymes

Type IV restriction enzymes are a type of enzyme that recognize specific DNA sequences and cleave the methylated DNA at or near that sequence. Type IV enzymes do not require ATP or magnesium ions to function, unlike other restriction enzymes. Prokaryotic Type IV enzymes often work with a methyltransferase enzyme that adds the methyl group to the recognition sequence.

Type IV enzymes are classified into several subtypes, including type IIS, type III and type IV, based on their sequence specificity, subunit composition and cleavage pattern. Type IIS enzymes are particularly useful for genetic engineering applications. They cut DNA outside their recognition sequence, producing blunt or sticky ends easily ligated to other DNA molecules.

Various essential factors affect the activity or working of restriction enzymes. Let’s discuss them in detail below.

Examples of type IV enzymes

  • Mrr: This enzyme is derived from Escherichia coli and recognizes methylated DNA with the sequence Gm6ATC. It is considered to play a significant role in curbing foreign DNA entry into the host cell.
  • SbcC: Streptomyces lividans is the source of SbcC which recognizes methylated DNA with the sequence CCWGG (where W = A or T). It is involved in the restriction of foreign DNA in this bacterium.
  • PvuRts1I: This enzyme is derived from Proteus vulgaris and recognizes DNA with the sequence R(A/G)ATG, where R = A or G. It cleaves DNA at a variable distance from the recognition site, depending on the methylation state of the DNA.
  • MspJI: This enzyme is derived from Moraxella species and recognizes methylated DNA with the sequence mCNNR (where N = A, C, G, or T). It cleaves DNA at a variable distance from the recognition site, depending on the methylation state of the DNA.

Considerations of restriction enzymes

Restriction enzymes cut DNA at specific recognition sequences. In other words, they are essential tools that enable genetic engineering, DNA fingerprinting and other molecular biology applications. However, several factors listed below can affect their activity.


Most restriction enzymes work optimally at a temperature range between 37-65°C. However, temperatures that are too high can cause denaturation of the enzyme, while temperatures that are too low can cause reduced enzyme activity.


The optimal pH for restriction enzymes typically ranges between pH 7.5 and 8.5. However, variations in pH can affect the enzyme's activity and specificity.

Salt Concentration

Salt concentration can affect the stability of restriction enzymes, with most working optimally in a buffer containing 50 mM NaCl. High salt concentrations can cause enzyme aggregation or denaturation, reducing activity.

Presence of Inhibitors

Several compounds, such as EDTA, detergents and protease inhibitors, can limit the activity of restriction enzymes.

DNA Quality and Quantity

The DNA’s quality and quantity can affect the efficiency of the enzyme's activity, with high DNA concentrations causing incomplete digestion while impurities in the DNA inhibit the enzyme's activity.

Applications of restriction enzymes

As discussed above, restriction enzymes cut DNA at specific sequences to create DNA fragments with unique ends. But what are restriction enzymes used for?

Here are some of the main applications of restriction enzymes:

DNA Cloning

Restriction enzymes are essential for creating recombinant DNA molecules. The two DNA fragments can be ligated together to create a new recombinant DNA molecule by cutting the vector DNA and the one bound with the same restriction enzyme.

DNA Fingerprinting

Restriction enzymes are used in DNA fingerprinting, which identifies individuals based on their unique DNA profiles. The DNA is cut with restriction enzymes to create fragments of different sizes. These fragments are separated by gel electrophoresis and visualized as a pattern of bands.

Site-Directed Mutagenesis

Restriction enzymes create specific mutations in a DNA sequence. Cutting the DNA at the desired location can introduce a mutation by replacing the cut fragment with a new fragment containing the desired mutation.

DNA Sequencing

Restriction enzymes create a map of a DNA sequence by cutting the DNA at specific locations and sequencing the fragments generated by the cuts.

Gene Therapy

Restriction enzymes can target specific genes for inactivation or replacement. For example, if a defective gene causes a disease, a restriction enzyme can cut out the defective gene and replace it with a healthy gene.

DNA Methylation Analysis

Restriction enzymes are used to analyze DNA methylation, a modification that affects gene expression. Cutting the DNA with a methylation-sensitive restriction enzyme can determine the degree of DNA methylation at specific sites.

At Avantor Sciences we are investing in research and development of restriction enzymes. By identifying new restriction enzymes from various sources, we can use information from them to help improve existing enzymes to make them more efficient. Avantor Sciences offers many resources for education and training on restriction enzymes in medical applications.

Frequently Asked Questions

What is a restriction enzyme?

A restriction enzyme is a type of protein that can cut DNA at specific recognition sequences. They are commonly used in molecular biology to manipulate DNA for research purposes.

What are the four types of restriction enzymes?

The four types of restriction enzymes are Type I, Type II, Type III and Type IV.

Type II is the most commonly used in molecular biology research. It recognizes and cuts DNA at specific palindromic sequences, resulting in DNA fragments with sticky ends that can be easily ligated to other DNA fragments.

Type I, Type III and Type IV have more complex mechanisms of action and are less commonly used in research.