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Catalog Number: (99902-292)
Supplier: Agilent Technologies
Description: Improves reliability and yield of conventional Taq-based PCR amplifications.

Supplier: Agilent Technologies
Description: High-quality well plate supplies and accessories will enhance your PCR and qPCR workflow and analysis.
Supplier: Agilent Technologies
Description: Brilliant III Ultra-Fast SYBR® QPCR and QRT-PCR Master Mixes deliver superior specificity by utilizing a novel faster-activating hot start method to minimize the formation of primer-dimers and other off-target reactions.

Catalog Number: (ST200247)
Supplier: Agilent Technologies
Description: SCS110 competent cells for generating unmethylated DNA improve quality and yield of miniprep DNA.

Catalog Number: (ST200123)
Supplier: Agilent Technologies
Description: Phage display libraries from electroporation-competent cells with high transformation efficiency.

Catalog Number: (99901-858)
Supplier: Agilent Technologies
Description: For use with catalog #410092 and #410088 (not for use with QPCR) 120 strips

Catalog Number: (97066-658)
Supplier: Agilent Technologies
Description: The multiple affinity removal LC column – human albumin/IgG is designed to chromatographically remove the two most interfering high-abundant proteins (albumin and IgG) from human samples (such as plasma, serum, urine or cerebrospinal fluid).

Catalog Number: (76204-898)
Supplier: Agilent Technologies
Description: The multiple affinity removal spin cartridge – Mouse 3 is designed as a simple way to remove three interfering high-abundant proteins from mouse plasma samples. Removal of these abundant proteins improves the subsequent LC/MS and electrophoretic analysis of the serum sample by effectively expanding the dynamic range of the analysis.

Supplier: Agilent Technologies
Description: HS Small Fragment DNA Ladder, 100uL. 50-1,000 bp DNA Ladder for use with the Fragment Analyzer systems and the DNF-477 kit

Supplier: Agilent Technologies
Description: Analysis of mRNA and total RNA quality control, IVT mRNA size, and detection of total RNA degradation.

Supplier: Agilent Technologies
Description: ssDNA and ssRNA oligonucleotide purity and QC analysis.

Supplier: Agilent Technologies
Description: DNA fragment or NGS library analysis for sample quality control - for samples up to 12000 bp.

Supplier: Agilent Technologies
Description: Quality control of low input NGS libraries or DNA fragments up to 7000 bp.

Catalog Number: (76645-432)
Supplier: Agilent Technologies
Description: Pulsed-field capillary electrophoresis system for QC of high molecular weight DNA and RNA samples.

Catalog Number: (77574-012)
Supplier: Agilent Technologies
Description: Automate the CE-SDS analysis of denatured proteins with capillary electrophoresis. Protein broad range P240 kit, 275 samples. ProteoAnalyzer system kit for the analysis of diverse proteins through 240 kDa.

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Catalog Number: (97066-464)
Supplier: Agilent Technologies
Description: Polyadenylation of miRNA from total RNA and synthesis of first-strand cDNA from tailed miRNAs.

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