CB-X™ Protein Assay, G-Biosciences
Supplier: G-Biosciences
A major problem for researchers is to select a protein assay from the vast selection on the market that is compatible with their protein sample
For protein samples in simple, uncomplicated aqueous buffers CB-X™ is a highly sensitive, single reagent assay that can be performed in 5 minutes. CB-X™ Protein Assay uses a protein dye that is an improvement on the Bradford Coomassie dye. For complicated protein samples, CB-X™ Protein Assay is supplied with reagents to clean up the samples and remove all reagents and chemicals that interfere with accurate protein estimation in a single step. These reagents include detergents, chaotropes, reducing agents, alkylating agents, sugars, high salt concentrations, buffering agents and chelating agents (see table). The clean up stage and subsequent protein assay is performed in a single tube to ensure no protein loss and to maintain the accuracy of the assay.
If the protein sample does not contain interfering agents then a straightforward single reagent assay is performed to give a linear response. If interfering agents are present or if artifactual results are produced then the protein samples are treated in a single step with the clean up reagents and the protein is assayed generating a linear response.
CB-X™ Protein Assay is supplied with lot specific CB-X™ Tables. These allow researchers to perform single protein clean ups, subsequent assays and then look up their absorbance in the CB-X™ Table to find the protein concentration. The CB-X™ Table eliminates the need for multiple protein standards and saves considerable time and effort. The CB-X™ Table is prepared with a complex protein mixture that compares well with proteins from mammalian, plant, bacteria and yeast sources. A set of bovine serum albumin standards are supplied for generating curves when using CB-X™ Assay Dye alone or for researchers who prefer to generate their own standard curve or to generate their own CB-X™ Table for their specific conditions.
The CB-X™ Protein Assay is reliable over the range of 0.5-50μg per assay. Suitable for 500 protein assays and enough clean up reagents for 250 clean ups.
CB-X™ Protein Assay eliminates this problem as it is designed to be compatible with all commonly used buffers and conditions in protein isolation, storage and assays
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