BCIP/NBT Liquid Substrate Plus

Supplier: MP Biomedicals
08980771 08980772
IC08980772EA 514.86 USD
IC08980772 IC08980771
BCIP/NBT Liquid Substrate Plus
Proteins and Peptides
BCIP/NBT Liquid Substrate Plus is a stabilized chromogen solution. It has a greater sensitivity and produces little or no background staining compared with other alternatives. It is ready to use solution.

BCIP/NBT [5-bromo-4-chloro-3-indolyl-phosphate p-nitro blue tetrazolium chloride] is in a proprietary buffer and enhancer

The BCIP/NBT Liquid Substrate System offers a convenient, ready-to-use substrate solution for visualizing alkaline phosphatase activity in immunoblotting and immunohistology. Immunohistochemical staining with BCIP/NBT requires organic mounting media and can be counterstained with Nuclear Fast Red or Light Green.
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