Bovine Aprotinin (from Lung)

Supplier: MP Biomedicals
0219115810 0219115801 0219115825 0219115880 0219115805
IC19115880EA 967.74 USD
IC19115880 IC19115805 IC19115825 IC19115801 IC19115810
Bovine Aprotinin (from Lung)
Proteins and Peptides
Aprotinin is a protein consisting of 58 amino acids, arranged in a single polypeptide chain that is crosslinked by three disulfide bridges. Aprotinin is found in bovine lymph nodes, lung, parotid gland, spleen, liver, pancreas, seminal vesicles, thyroid gland, kidney, mucous membranes of the trachea and esophagus, ovaries, heart, posterior pituitary and cartilage.

  • Presentation: White Powder
  • Extinction Coefficient (E1%): E1% (280 nm) = 8.3 (water)
  • Isoelectric point (pI): 10.5
  • Soluble in water (10 mg/mL- completely soluble) and in aqueous buffers of low ionic strengths.
  • Sterilization of solutions can be done by filtration through a 0.2 um filter.
  • Absorbance: 277 ± 5 nm (1 max water)

Aprotinin is a competitive serine protease inhibitor that inhibits trypsin, chymotrypsin, kallikrein and plasmin. Aprotinin forms stable complexes with and blocks the active sites of enzymes. Binding is reversible with most aprotinin-protease complexes dissociating at pH >10 or < 3.
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