You Searched For: Protein Expression Systems

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Catalog Number: (ST214303)
Supplier: Agilent Technologies
Description: The affinity protein expression and purification system provides a simple, gentle and effective method for high-level protein expression and purification.

Supplier: Zymo Research
Description: The Mix and Go!™ Competent Cells are pre made, chemically competent cells for simple and highly efficient DNA transformation.

Catalog Number: (101294-866)
Supplier: New England Biolabs (NEB)
Description: The K

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Supplier: Agilent Technologies
Description: Protein directed evolution in just one step.

Catalog Number: (PAL1020)
Supplier: Promega Corporation
Description: E. coli S30 Extract for Circular DNA simplifies the transcription/translation of DNA sequences cloned in plasmid or lambda vectors.

Catalog Number: (101640-812)
Supplier: New England Biolabs (NEB)
Description: A rapid method for gene expression analysis, PURExpress® is a novel cell-free transcription/translation system reconstituted from the purified components necessary for E

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Catalog Number: (EM69734-3)
Supplier: MilliporeSigma
Description: The λDE3 Lysogenization Kit is designed for site-specific integration of λDE3 prophage into an E

Supplier: MilliporeSigma
Description: The Overnight Express™ Autoinduction System 1 enables high-level protein expression without the need to monitor cell growth or add an inducer during the growth period.
Supplier: Zymo Research
Description: Alternative E.coli strains for bacterial transformation and lysis.

Supplier: MilliporeSigma
Description: The BacMagic™-2 DNA Kit provides a positive selection for creating baculoviruses recombinants in preparation for generating recombinant protein expression in insect cells
Supplier: MilliporeSigma
Description: The Overnight Express™ Autoinduction Systems enable regulated protein expression in E. coli, without monitoring the culture or adding inducer during cell growth.
Supplier: Promega Corporation
Description: TNT SP6 High-Yield Wheat Germ Protein Expression System, based on an optimized wheat germ extract, is a single-tube, coupled transcription/translation system designed to express proteins in only two hours.
Catalog Number: (PAL4821)
Supplier: Promega Corporation
Description: Luciferase SP6 and T7 Control DNAs are used with the TNT Quick Coupled and TNT Coupled Transcription/Translation Systems. The Control DNAs contain the gene for luciferase under transcriptional control of a phage RNA polymerase promoter.

Catalog Number: (PAL1030)
Supplier: Promega Corporation
Description: The E. coli S30 Extract System for Linear Templates allows transcription/translation of linear DNA templates.

Supplier: New England Biolabs (NEB)
Description: A rapid method for gene expression analysis, PURExpress® is a novel cell-free transcription/translation system reconstituted from the purified components necessary for E.coli translation.

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Catalog Number: (75878-124)
Description: Stabilized 10-Acetyl-3,7-dihydroxyphenoxazine (also called Ampliflu Red) liquid substrate reagent for HRP detection.

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