You Searched For: Mixtures and Solutions Learning Activities

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Catalog Number: 470301-180
Supplier: Ward's Science


Description: Introduction to Reaction Rates kit, designed to introduce students to the concepts of reaction rates through a series of experiments demonstrating the impact of concentration, heat, surface area and catalysts
Catalog Number: 470165-504
Supplier: Ward's Science

Catalog Number: 470136-722
Supplier: Ward's Science

Catalog Number: 470225-452
Supplier: Ward's Science


Description: Determination of Dissolved Oxygen kit, 40 tests, Kit Contents: 4 Plastic Pipettes, 3 Reaction Vessel, 3 Collection Bottle, 2 Titrator, 30mL Manganese Chloride Reagent 30mL Alkaline Iodide Reagent, 30mL 50% Sulfuric Acid, 60mL Sodium Thiosulfate Titrant
Catalog Number: 470146-436
Supplier: Ward's Science

Description: Determination of the Alkalinity of Water, 40 tests, Kit Contents: 3 Plastic Pipettes, 3 Reaction Vessel, 3 Collection Bottle, 1 Measuring Tube, 2x1mL Titrator, 3x60mL Hydrochloric Acid Titrant, 15mL Total Alkalinity Indicator Solution
Catalog Number: 470146-440
Supplier: Ward's Science

Description: Determination of the Ammonia Nitrogen Concentration in Water kit, 40 tests, Kit Contents: 12 Plastic Pipettes, 3 Reaction Vessel, 3 Collection Bottle, 1 Measuring Tube, 15mL Ammonia Test Solution 1, 15mL Ammonia Test Solution 2
Catalog Number: 470146-434
Supplier: Ward's Science

Description: Determination of Water Hardness kit, 40 tests, Kit Contents: 6 Plastic Pipettes, 3 Reaction Vessel, 3 Collection Bottle, 1 Measuring Tube, 2 Titrator 3mL, 3x60mL 0.005 M EDTA Titrant60mL pH 10 Buffer Solution, 15mL Ericochrome Black T Indicator Solution
Catalog Number: 470146-438
Supplier: Ward's Science

Description: Chemical Analysis Using Titrations kit, activities in this kit will focus on how acid-base titrations work and how to identify the concentration of an unknown acid. Kit contains enough materials for 10 groups
Catalog Number: 470165-510
Supplier: Ward's Science

Description: Activity Series Chemistry Kit, To determine an activity series for a group of metals and a group of nonmetals, 15 lab groups, Certification: 49 CFR 173. 4
Catalog Number: 470163-070
Supplier: Ward's Science


Description: Oscillating Reaction- The Traffic Light kit, Includes: 1x10 g Sodium Hydroxide, Beads UN1823, 1x0.5g Indigo Carmine, makes 50ml, 5x5 g Dextrose (Glucose), A flask containing a yellow solution gently swirled and the solution turns red
Catalog Number: 470219-088
Supplier: Ward's Science

Catalog Number: 470338-542
Supplier: Ward's Science

Catalog Number: 470002-480
Supplier: Kemtec


Catalog Number: 470003-350

Catalog Number: 470200-084
Supplier: Kemtec

Catalog Number: 470338-538
Supplier: Ward's Science

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