Your Source for Bulk Chemicals in Convenient Sizes

Look no further for your Dry and Bulk Chemicals. RICCA has a wide variety of Dry Chemicals, Salts, Dry Chemical Indicators, and Solvents. With a large choice of grades, specifcations, and packaging sizes, RICCA has what you need, when you need it. Work with our Technical Services Chemists to economically source the right chemical for your proces in the packaging that works for your needs.
Options include:
- LC/MS, HPLC, ACS, and Technical Grade Chemicals
- 1g to 50K sizes for solids and 500mL to 55 gallons sizes for liquids available
Ready to use custom blends:
- Solvent Blends
- Mobile Phases
- Cleaning Solutions
- Compendial Mixtures
- Dry Mixtures
Product selection

Dry Chemicals and Salts
With convenient packaging and various grades available, RICCA has the Dry Chemicals and Salts you need.

Can't afford a Drum of Solvent? No worries, RICCA offers convenient packaging of Solvents for your needs.