HPLC Solvent Management Supplies

Agilent provides a range of high-quality products for HPLC solvent management, including HPLC solvent bottles & Waste containers, Stay Safe caps, Charcoal HPLC filters, HPLC solvent tubing and solvent filtration products.
HPLC Solvent tubing are low pressure connections between the HPLC solvent filter used in Solvent bottles with caps and the HPLC instrument and further to the waste canisters.
Our Stay Safe Cap portfolio help to minimize harmful solvent vapors evaporation into the air from Solvent bottles.
Glass solvent filtration assemblies are used to ensure particulate free and degassed mobile phases.
Agilent InfinityLab supplies are a perfect fit for the Agilent Infinity II HPLC series instruments to ensure best performance.

InfinityLab Quick Change Inline Filter for HPLC
These inline filter protects valuable columns by capturing particles before they reach the column, extending life and reducing the cost per sample.

Bottle Head Assemblies and Solvent Inlet Tubing for HPLC
Bottle head assemblies contain all the parts that are required to connect solvent bottles to your HPLC instrument.

Solvent Bottles & Waste Cans for HPLC
Our HPLC mobile phase bottles work best with the InfinityLab Stay Safe caps for preventing evaporation of solvent vapors.

Solvent Filtration and Filter Membranes for HPLC
HPLC solvent filters & solvent filtration assembly are used to filter mobile phase buffers as a daily routine part of HPLC sample analysis.

Solvent Inlet Filters for HPLC
A range of high-quality glass and stainless steel HPLC solvent inlet filters with different pore sizes to remove particles from the solvents at inlet.

Stay Safe Caps & Accessories for HPLC
InfinityLab Stay Safe caps stop evaporation of harmful solvent vapors from solvent bottles and stop solvent from leaching into the air.