Detector Parts & Accessories

Find the right supplies for your GC detector. Agilent has a full list of parts for electron capture detectors (ECDs), flame ionization detectors (FIDs), flame photometric detectors (FPDs), thermal conductivity detectors (TCDs), nitrogen chemiluminescence detectors (NCDs), nitrogen phosphorus detectors (NPDs), and sulfur chemiluminescence detectors (SCDs).

Electron Capture Detector (ECD)
The Agilent micro ECD is the most sensitive on the market, with a detection zone volume 10 times smaller than any other ECD.

Flame Ionization Detector (FID) Supplies
Flame ionization detection is the most commonly used GC detection method due to it's superior ability to measure hydrocarbons.

Flame Photometric Detector (FPD)
The FPD uses three gases: air and hydrogen to support the flame, and nitrogen makeup for capillary columns.

Nitrogen Chemiluminescence Detector Supplies
A nitrogen-specific detector that produces a linear and equimolar response to nitrogen compounds based on a chemiluminescent reaction of NO with ozone

Nitrogen Phosphorus Detector (NPD)
NPD for GC are specific to nitrogen- or phosphorus-containing compounds and are great for environmental and forensic applications.

Sulfur Chemiluminescence Detector Supplies
Sulfur Chemiluminescence Detector is the most sensitive and selective chromatographic sulfur detector available for the analysis of sulfur compounds.

Thermal Conductivity Detector (TCD) Supplies
The Agilent Thermal Conductivity Detector responds to all compounds, excluding carrier gas.