Biosynthesis Reagents

VWR Chemicals BDH Biosynthesis Grade Reagents are designed specifically for the needs of oligonucleotide synthesis in research and production. Manufactured at an ISO 9001:2015 facility, reagents include:
- Deblocking (Detritylation) Reagents
- Activators
- Capping Reagents A and B
- Oxidizers
Multiple formulations are readily available to order in standard sizes, from 450 mL to 20 L. In addition, ultra low water Acetonitrile for DNA synthesis is available from the VWR Chemicals BDH family. Please reach out to your VWR Representative for information on custom blends and returnable containers.

Deblocking (Detritylation) Reagents
Deblock to Unlock

Activate to Intermediate

Capping Reagents A and B
Cap in a Snap

Oxidize to Realize