Azure Sapphire™ Biomolecular Imager

The next generation lab imaging platform. This system supports long and short wavelengths of near infrared fluorescence (NIR), red/green/blue (RGB) imaging, chemiluminescent imaging, phosphor imaging as well as optical densitometry (OD) of proteins in stained gels.
Product Features
- Up to four solid state lasers (488, 520, 658 and 784 nm) offering ultimate excitation sensitivity
- Photomultiplier tube (PMT) for fluorescence and phosphor imaging, avalanche photodiodes (APD) for near-infrared imaging and a CCD sensor for chemiluminescent and visible imaging
- Ultra-wide dynamic range for imaging and quantifying low and high abundance samples simultaneously
- Image resolution down to 10 microns for high-quality image analysis
- Full integration with Sapphire Capture and AzureSpot software programs for perfect imaging and accurate analysis every time

Breakthrough image capture and analysis
Exceptional data quality through extremely sensitive detection, ultra high resolution and broad linear dynamic range