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Catalog Number: (75814-680)
Supplier: Hardy Diagnostics
Description: Tech Agar Tube Slant is used for the production of pyocyanin pigment by Pseudomonas species.

Supplier: Hardy Diagnostics
Description: Blood, sheep, defibrinated, screw cap
Supplier: Hardy Diagnostics
Description: Nutrient Agar formulations are general purpose growth media recommended for use in the isolation and cultivation of non-fastidious microorganisms
Catalog Number: (75814-030)
Supplier: Hardy Diagnostics
Description: GN Broth is used for the selective enrichment of Salmonella and Shigella spp

Supplier: Hardy Diagnostics
Description: For use as a general growth medium for the isolation and cultivation of microorganisms.
Supplier: Hardy Diagnostics
Description: Blood, guinea pig, alsevers, screw cap

Product available on GSA Advantage®

Supplier: Hardy Diagnostics
Description: Sheep, filtered, sterile, sera, screw cap

Product available on GSA Advantage®

Catalog Number: (10693-110)
Supplier: Hardy Diagnostics
Description: For the use in determination of antimicrobial activity.

Supplier: Hardy Diagnostics
Description: For the selective cultivation of Listeria monocytogenes.
Catalog Number: (10066-104)
Supplier: Hardy Diagnostics
Description: For the cultivation of microorganisms and USP sterility procedures.

Supplier: Hardy Diagnostics
Description: Recommended for use in the cultivation of a wide variety of fastidious and nonfastidious microorganisms.
Supplier: Hardy Diagnostics
Description: CRITERION™ Agar, Bacteriological Grade is used as a solidifying agent in the preparation of solid and semi-solid culture media.
Supplier: Hardy Diagnostics
Description: For the cultivation of microorganisms.
Supplier: Hardy Diagnostics
Description: For the preparation of isotonic suspensions and dilutions of microorganisms.
Supplier: Hardy Diagnostics
Description: For use in the determination of antimicrobial activity.
Catalog Number: (10015-464)
Supplier: Hardy Diagnostics
Description: Anaerobe Nitrate Reagent A, Sulfanilic Acid for nitrate reduction test, 15mL, formulated especially for anaerobic bacteria, ship ground only

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