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Read about the importance of small molecules and heterocyclic compounds in anti-cancer drug design. Plus different aspects of synthetic methodology.




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Supplier: Streck Laboratories
Description: These five-part differential controls monitor all parameters including reticulocytes

Small Business Enterprise

Supplier: Streck Laboratories
Description: A hematology control with assay values provided for the five-part white cell differential

Small Business Enterprise

Catalog Number: (76318-696)
Supplier: Streck Laboratories
Description: The Streck ARM-D Kit, β-Lactamase, is a comprehensive, TaqMan based method for the detection of antibiotic resistance gene families in Gram Negative B...

Supplier: Streck Laboratories
Description: These four-parameter hematology controls are designed for laboratories that perform a limited number of hematology tests

Small Business Enterprise

Supplier: Streck Laboratories
Description: Cell-Chex controls offer spinal and body fluid procedural control for red blood cell and white blood cell counts, crystal identification and white blo...

Supplier: Streck Laboratories
Description: An automated instrument for erythrocyte sedimentation rate testing in EDTA tubes.

Supplier: Streck Laboratories
Description: Cyto-Chex® BCT is a direct draw blood collection tube that maintains cellular morphology and surface antigen expression, including cluster of differen...

Supplier: Streck Laboratories
Description: Qualitative solubility kits are used to detect the presence of sickling hemoglobins in human blood or sickle cell control material

Small Business Enterprise

Supplier: Streck Laboratories
Description: Flow cytometry controls for CD117, CD25 and CD71.

Supplier: Streck Laboratories
Description: CD-Chex Plus™ is a positive procedural control for monitoring immunophenotyping by flow cytometry

Small Business Enterprise

Supplier: Streck Laboratories
Description: Controls test the entire HbA1c procedure, incluing the lysing of the red blood cell, which ensures the entire system, instrument and reagents are work...

Small Business Enterprise

Supplier: Streck Laboratories
Description: These calibrators are assayed for a wide range of hematology instruments

Small Business Enterprise

Supplier: Streck Laboratories
Description: Multi-parameter hematology controls have low and high abnormal ranges to test the linearity of many instruments offering a three-part differential

Small Business Enterprise

Catalog Number: (10783-088)
Supplier: Streck Laboratories
Description: Temp-Chex digital II is a digital thermometer for monitoring refrigerators, freezers, incubators and room temperatures.

Supplier: Streck Laboratories
Description: Two-level hematology controls designed to monitor erythrocyte sedimentation rates

Small Business Enterprise

Supplier: Streck Laboratories
Description: Cellular controls for evaluating the accuracy and precision of hematology instruments that measure blood cell counts in patient body fluid samples

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