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Catalog Number: (76489-726)
Supplier: Transforming Technologies
Description: The non-marking sport style heel grounders are ideal for boots, cross-training athletic shoes, and other odd sized shoes.

Catalog Number: (76490-216)
Supplier: Transforming Technologies
Description: Designed to test point-to-point (RTT) and point-to-ground resistance (RTG) in accordance with ESD Association Standards.

Catalog Number: (76490-218)
Supplier: Transforming Technologies
Description: This battery powered unit is equipped with built-in parallel electrodes for quick surface measurements.

Catalog Number: (76210-002)
Supplier: Transforming Technologies
Description: Organize, protect, and store interlocking SMD boxes in this six-drawer conductive cabinet.

Supplier: Transforming Technologies
Description: Full coverage sole grounders provide 20 times the surface contact of heel grounders, with a wider and more consistent contact area to ensure grounding.

Catalog Number: (76209-916)
Supplier: Transforming Technologies
Description: Disposable Heel Grounder is the perfect solution for plant visitors and other temporary personnel who enter static controlled environments with ESD protective flooring.

Catalog Number: (76209-984)
Supplier: Transforming Technologies
Description: The StaticAIRE™ Still Air Ionizer quickly and effectively eliminates static without using airflow. It’s designed for use in a variety of localized applications where space is limited and is ideal for installation inside equipment.

Supplier: Transforming Technologies
Description: Safely dispose of waste materials that pose a static damage threat.

Catalog Number: (76210-008)
Supplier: Transforming Technologies
Description: Conductive ESD trash cans remove the static threat of plastic receptacles that can damage sensitive electronic devices.

Supplier: Transforming Technologies
Description: The StaticCare™ ESD Cut Resistant Gloves combine powerful cut resistance, comfort, and uniform ESD protection into one superior performing glove. The gloves are certified ANSI Cut Level 3 while maintaining softness, flexibility, and comfort.

Catalog Number: (76474-656)
Supplier: Transforming Technologies
Description: A high-performance ESD ionizing gun perfect for a wide variety of industrial applications. The BFNG10 provides excellent balance and rapid charge decay for secure ESD workstation protection.

Catalog Number: (76474-628)
Supplier: Transforming Technologies
Description: A kit to test basic ESD measurements such as surface resistivity and electrostatic fields.

Catalog Number: (76474-632)
Supplier: Transforming Technologies
Description: Verify that ESD testing equipment is operating correctly with the Warmbier Veribox.

Supplier: Transforming Technologies
Description: The adjustable WB5000 series dual conductor wrist strap set is designed for use with a Dual Conductor Constant Workstation Monitor to maximize ESD protection.

Catalog Number: (76474-834)
Supplier: Transforming Technologies
Description: Static dissipative cleanroom ESD wipes are suitable for nearly all electronic manufacturing and optical cleaning applications.

Catalog Number: (76474-798)
Supplier: Transforming Technologies
Description: The disposable wrist strap provides cost-effective and reliable static control protection for short-term use. Perfect for guests, field service calls, or for shipping with ESD sensitive products.

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