Mono AEC/Plus, Diagnostic Biosystems

Supplier: Diagnostic Biosystems

K050 K050-110
95041-488EA 186.34 USD
95041-488 95041-490
Mono AEC/Plus, Diagnostic Biosystems
Assays Immunological Assays

Mono AEC/Plus is a liquid substrate chromogen system for use with horseradish peroxidase (HRP) detection in immunohistochemistry (IHC) or in situ hybridizations (ISH).

AEC produces a red colored end product, yielding strong contrast when combined with a blue hematoxylin counterstain. AEC has been well accepted among histotechnologists because it is less chemically hazardous than DAB. Specimens stained using Mono AEC/ Plus cannot be dehydrated in ethanol and must be mounted in an aqueous-based mounting medium such as CC/Mount.

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