Papanicolaou's solution EA 65 stain for cytology

Supplier: Ricca Chemical

Synonyms: EA 36

R5505000-500A R5505000-1A R5505000-4A
RC5505-32EA 166.3 USD
RC5505-32 RC55051 RC550516
Papanicolaou's solution EA 65 stain for cytology
Papanicolaou's solution EA 65

Papanicolaou Stain, EA-65 Formula, Counterstain for use with Hematoxylin Stains in the Papanicolaou Staining Procedure

Boiling Pt: ~ 80 °C
Density: 0.8053 g/cm³
Flash Pt: ~ 16 °C
Storage Temperature: Ambient
UN: 1987

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Specification Test Results

Absorbance (traceable to NIST SRM 930) Conforms to control
Appearance Murky green, alcohol odor

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