Gel/PCR DNA Fragment Extraction Kits (Large and Small Fragment), IBI Scientific

Supplier: IBI Scientific

IB47060 IB47061 IB47062 IB47070 IB47071 IB47072
97060-556PK 32.61 USD
97060-556 97060-558 97060-560 97060-562 97060-564 97060-566
Gel/PCR DNA Fragment Extraction Kits (Large and Small Fragment), IBI Scientific
Nucleic Acid Reagents Nucleic Acid Purification Kits and Reagents

The Large DNA Fragment Extraction Kits are designed to recover large DNA fragments (>8Kb) from an agarose gel

The sample size for the Large kit is up to 300 mg of agarose gel. The sample size for the Small kit is 300 mg of agarose gel and up to 100 µL of PCR product.

The Small DNA Fragment Extraction Kits are designed to recover or concentrate small DNA fragments (50-200bp) from an agarose gel, PCR, or any other enzymatic reaction. This method uses a chaotropic salt to dissolve the agarose gel and denature the enzymes. The DNA fragments in the chaotropic salt are bound to the glass-fiber matrix of the spin column. The contaminants are washed with a wash buffer (containing ethanol), and the purified DNA fragments are eluted by a low salt elution buffer or TE. Salts, enzymes, and unincorporated nucleotides can be effectively removed from the reaction mixture without phenol extraction or alcohol precipitation. Typically, recoveries are up to 90% for the Small kit and 85% for the Large kit. The entire procedure can be completed in 45 minutes (Large) or 20 minutes (Small) and the DNA is ready for use in PCR, Fluorescent or Radioactive Sequencing, Restriction Enzyme Digestion, DNA Labeling, and Ligation.

Caution: Note: For research use only. Components contain irritant agents. Always wear a lab coat, disposable gloves, and protective goggles during use.

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Description Small DNA Fragment Extraction Sample Kit Small DNA Fragment Extraction Kit Large DNA Fragment Extraction Sample Kit Large DNA Fragment Extraction Kit
Target molecule DNA DNA DNA DNA
Refine target molecule DNA gel bands,Amplified/modified DNA DNA gel bands,Amplified/modified DNA DNA gel bands DNA gel bands
Sample type Gel matrix,PCR and other enzymatic reactions Gel matrix,PCR and other enzymatic reactions Gel matrix Gel matrix
Method / Format Column (silica-based) Column (silica-based) Column (silica-based) Column (silica-based)
Prep size Mini Mini Mini Mini

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