Measure and monitor atmospheric pressure.
- Conduct weather studies
- Works for experiments that involve pressures close to normal atmospheric pressure
- Can also be used as an altimeter with a portable interface
With a wide variety of applications, this durable barometer will surely enhance your weather studies. Featuring a pressure range of 600 to 800 mm of mercury and a resolution of .07 Hg, the barometer can be used to measure pressures close to normal atmospheric pressures in several different units. Also use this sensor to investigate the pressure in a liquid. This is compatible with the following interfaces: LabQuest Mini, NXT Sensor Adapter, LabQuest, SensorDAQ, Vernier EasyLink, CBL2, Go!Link, and LabPro.
Sensing Element: SenSym SDX15A4
Maximum pressure that the sensor can tolerate without permanent damage: 2.04 atm or 61 in of Hg
Sensitivity: 436 mV/in of Hg to 13.06 V/atm.
Combined Linearity and Hysteresis: Typical ±0.1% full scale, maximum ±0.5% full scale
For educational use only