Kemtec® Taste Discrimination

470144-630CS 1227.15 USD
Kemtec® Taste Discrimination
Educational Materials Biology Educational Materials Human Biology Learning Activities
How does taste work?

  • Map the sensitivity of the tongue
  • Explore genetics with Ptc
  • Target grades 9-12

Can you taste it? Students explore Taste Sensitivity and Taste Recognition as they investigate their ability to distinguish four sensations: sweet, sour, salt, and bitter in a blind taste test. They examine PTC gene inheritance patterns and learn how the PTC gene relates to the ability to taste bitterness. Students evaluate their tendency to eat certain types of foods and correlate it with desired taste sensations. An ideal biology lab for supporting curriculum on genetic inheritance or human anatomy of the taste buds. This kit features two lab experiments which can be completed in one hour or separated into two thirty minute activities. Designed for 24 students working in groups of two.

Delivery information: See datasheet for contents information.
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