Talesnick Gas Laws Activity Kits

Supplier: S17 SCIENCE LLC.
9400340 9400408
470013-630EA 196.95 USD
470013-630 470013-634
Talesnick Gas Laws Activity Kits
Educational Materials Chemistry Educational Materials Gas Analysis Learning Activities
Students can repeat the experiments developed by Irwin Talesnick, the retired professor recognized as one the premier chemical demonstrators.

  • Basic Kit Materials Provide Enough for Two Student Groups
  • The Deluxe Kit Contains Material for Three Student Groups
  • Kit Demonstrates the Gas Laws that Govern Chemistry
  • Experiments Created by Irwin Talesnick
  • Simple and Sturdy Gas Pressure Apparatus

For more than two decades, Talesnick has researched gas laws using simple and sturdy gas pressure apparatus. With his trademark devices perfected, these kits are now available for classroom use.

The kit contents demonstrate the gas laws that govern chemistry.

Ordering information: The Basic Kit contains the Gas Laws jar and custom stopper, four syringes, two gas pressure gauges, 10 syringe adaptors, and stopcocks. Basic Kit materials provide enough for two different student groups. The Deluxe Kit contains an additional jar, custom stopper, gauges, and materials for three different student groups. For a classroom set, order multiples of the deluxe set to meet your classroom’s requirements. Both kits require a digital thermometer or temperature probe that must be ordered separately.
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