Variable Standing Wave Generator

470039-704EA 50.95 USD
Variable Standing Wave Generator
Educational Materials Physics Educational Materials Waves and Oscillations Learning Activities
An exciting, interactive exploration, this generator includes various mass attachments to investigate degrees of string tension in standing waves.

  • Ø×L: 3×15 cm
  • String length: 5.5 m
  • Weight: 0.5 kg

The device features a battery-operated motor with an off balanced bolt attached to the shaft. When running, this motor creates a vibration in the string that sets up a standing wave along the entire length of string. The nuts on the bottom alow you to change the center of mass, and therefore change the frequency of the standing waves. The top eyebolt allows slotted masses to be attached, so the affect of string tension on the wavelength can also be investigated. Developed by Bruce Yeany.
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