Nucleotides SuperModel Kit

470029-880EA 46.4 USD
Nucleotides SuperModel Kit
Educational Materials Biology Educational Materials Biochemistry Learning Activities
Piece Together DNA from its Four Nucleotide Components

Useful for comparing structures and properties of organic bases, this set will allow you to build deoxyadenosine, deoxyguanosine, deoxycytosine, and thymidine; demonstrate hydrogen bonding between base pairs; construct phosphate ions; and then put each individual model together to create a two base-pair section of a DNA molecule. Each model is easy to set up and is flexible, durable, and economical. The kit includes 40 carbons, 30 oxygens, 60 hydrogens, 16 nitrogens, three phosphorus, and 41 connectors to make single, double, hydrogen, and glycosidic bonds, as well as an instruction booklet.
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