Mixed Flagellates

Supplier: Avantor
470176-466PK 13.95 USD
470176-466 470176-468
Mixed Flagellates
Specimens Live Specimens Protists - Living Material
Specially Prepared “Real-Life” Combinations
The world is teeming with a wide variety of microlife, making studying samples of pond water complicated especially for the beginning student. To lessen the confusion, WARD’S has prepared different culture mixes that reflect protist combinations that occur in the real world, yet eliminates the hundreds of other life-forms found in a collected sample. Comes with a dichotomous key and either the Working with Algae or the Working with Protozoa manual. Supplied in a single jar.

Contents: Chlamydomonas, Eudorina, Euglena, Gonium, Pandorina, and Volvox.
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