Ward's® Microbes at Work: Production of an Antibiotic Lab Activity

Supplier: Avantor
470024-104KT 319.99 USD
Ward's® Microbes at Work: Production of an Antibiotic Lab Activity
Educational Materials Chemistry Educational Materials Chromatography Learning Activities
Explore Fermentation Without Additional Equipment

  • Materials for 2 lab groups
  • Time Required: ~3hrs. over 5 days

Students gain experience with fermentation, the process by which important medical substances such as antibiotics, interferons, insulin, and growth hormone are produced, by actually growing Bacillus licheniformi in a controlled environment. Students prepare inoculum, measure pH, and test the effectiveness of the antibiotic produced. You will get all of the materials needed to construct a fermenter, enough bacterial culture and media for up to two fermentation runs, teacher’s manual, and student guides. Other cultures can be purchased separately.

Ordering information: Coupon is included for redemption of perishable materials. Redeem by mail, phone, fax, or email.
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