Ward's® High School Algae Set

Supplier: VWR
470179-936KT 99.95 USD
Ward's® High School Algae Set
Specimens Live Specimens Protists - Living Material
Bring your high school biology text to life with the algal cultures included in this set of 12 cultures commonly found in high-school textbooks.

  • Set of 12
  • Commonly found cultures

The set of 12 includes cultures in the following genera: Chlamydomonas, Chlorella, Cladophora, Eudorina, Euglena, Gonium, Oscillatoria, Oedogonium, Pandorina, Spirogyra, Ulothrix, and Volvox.

Ordering information: These products contain living or perishable materials. Please specify a delivery date.
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