Acetic Acid

AA0010-1L AA0008-500MLR AA0005-2.5L AA0007-500ML AA0005-PK/2R AD-AA0005P-PK/6 AD-AA0005P-2.5L AA0004-200ML AA0003-500ML AA0005-100MLR AA0005-CONC AA0005-250ML AA0005-500MLR AA0015-1L AD-AA0009-3.8L AA0008-2.5LR
470225-684EA 11.45 USD
470225-684 470300-042 470225-820 470219-202 470300-030 470300-040 470300-028 470300-038 470300-048 470300-036 470354-378 470300-046 470354-376 470300-034 470300-044 470300-032
Acetic Acid
Chemicals for Science Education
CAS Number: 64-19-7
Formula: CH3COOH
Density: 1.049 g/ml
Boiling Point: 118.1°C
Freezing Point: 16.7°C

Note: The chemical specifications for some items on this product page may differ from the specifications listed above. For more information, consult the Safety Data Sheet or contact your Ward's representative.

Delivery information: This product is designed for educational and teaching laboratories, and no certificate of analysis is available.

Caution: The item is corrosive, flammable and toxic.
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