Finnpipette® F2 GLP Kits, Thermo Scientific

Supplier: Thermo Fisher Scientific
4700870 4700885 4700880
89096-132KT 1773.99 USD
89096-132 89096-136 89096-134
Finnpipette® F2 GLP Kits, Thermo Scientific
Pipettes Micropipettes
Thermo Scientific Finnpipette® F2 GLP Kits provide durable, high-performance Finnpipette® F2 pipetters in an all-inclusive kit containing everything needed for pipetting.

The Thermo Scientific Finnpipette® F2 Good Laboratory Pipetting kits offer the maximum reliability and comfort of the new Finnpipette® F2. The F2 pipetters have unique features such as AVG (Advanced Volume Gearing mechanism) and a very large display for improved usability and comfort.

Ordering information: In addition to the range of Finnpipette® F2 pipettors listed below, each kit includes F-Stand, F2 Pen, F2 Brochure, reagent reservoir demo pack, Good laboratory pipetting guide, and an assortment of compatible Finntip flex tips. Finntip flextips are the most advanced traditional tips, offering very low attachment and ejection forces. The Good laboratory pipetting guide contains essential pipetting information, from choosing the right type to detailed decontamination information.
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