HxSil C18 Reversed Phase HPLC Guard Column Cartridge Kit, Hamilton Company

Supplier: Hamilton
79459 79452
21493-201EA 264.83 USD
21493-201 21493-326
HxSil C18 Reversed Phase HPLC Guard Column Cartridge Kit, Hamilton Company
Chromatography Columns
Hamilton company offers one of the most comprehensive selections of chromatography columns in the industry.

Hamilton Guard columns protect your analytical HPLC column. They remove particulate contaminants and highly adsorptive compounds from samples, prolonging analytical column life.

Guard columns are modular and cartridge replacement is easy and requires no tools. Guard column cartridge holders are available in stainless steel and PEEK materials. Both designs are optimized to reduce dead volume and to prevent extra column band broadening.

Holders for the cartridges are reusableMore Product Information
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Description 21493-201 21493-326
Environmentally Preferable
Max. Pressure 5000 psi 5000 psi
pH Range 2 to 7.5 2 to 7.5

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