BD™ Quincke Spinal Needles, BD Medical

Supplier: Bailly
405074 405071 405073 405181 405174 405184 408360 405172 405182 405081 405164 405149 405161 405078 405170 405171 405148 405211 400106 405180 405162
BD5180CS 539.27 USD
BD5180 BD5071 BD5170 BD400106 BD5074 BD5162 BD5182 BD5171 BD5161 BD405148 BD405149 BD405078 BD405211 BD405164 BD405184 BD405174 BD405073 BD405172 BD408360 BD405081 BD405181
BD™ Quincke Spinal Needles, BD Medical
Syringe Needles
Sterile, single-use needles have a unique key/slot arrangement of stylet and cannula hubs that facilitates proper needle bevel orientation

The translucent window hub allows for clear visualization of CSF, and fitted stylets reduce tissue coring
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