LiChroCART® ChiraDex® and ChiraSpher® NT Cartridges, MilliporeSigma

Supplier: MilliporeSigma
1.50117.0001 1.50960.0001 1.51333.0001 1.51000.0001
48219-294EA 543.91 USD
48219-294 48219-586 48219-690 EM1.51000.0001
LiChroCART® ChiraDex® and ChiraSpher® NT Cartridges, MilliporeSigma
Chromatography Columns
ChiraDex® columns are versatile HPLC columns characterized by broad enantioselectivity that can be used for the separation of enantiomers of numerous different classes of substances.

ChiraSpher® NT columns provide improved enantioselectivity, especially for pharmaceuticals. ChiraSpher® NT columns are versatile chiral HPLC columns of high chemical stability and broad enantioselectivity. The ChiraSpher® NT material is based on silica and gel particles, coated with the optically active polymer poly (n-acryloyl-S-phenylalanine ethyl ester). ChiraSpher® NT material is characterized by improvedMore Product Information
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