Cell Culture Cup Chambers for TEER Measurement

77664-246EA 3464.65 USD
77664-246 77664-250 77664-248
Cell Culture Cup Chambers for TEER Measurement
Culture Dishes Cell Culture Dishes
These cell culture cup chambers used in TEER measurement for removable culture cup systems using EVOM2 meters for endothelial and epithelial cell cultures.

  • Adjustable apical electrode height
  • Crystal clear glass chamber allows visualization of apical electrode positioning
  • New insert holder with 120º tri-supports for three leg inserts
  • Compatible with EVOM, EVOM2™ and Millicell® ERS and ERS2
  • For EndOhms used with the new EVOM™ Manual (or EVOM3), see EVOM™ Electrodes for TEER

EndOhm chambers provide reproducible resistance measurements of endothelial and epithelial monolayers in culture cups. Transfer cups from their culture wells to the EndOhm chamber for measurement rather than using hand-held electrodes.

The chamber and the cap each contain a pair of concentric electrodes: a voltage-sensing silver/silver chloride pellet in the center plus an annular current electrode. The height of the top electrode can be adjusted to fit cell culture cups of different manufacture.

The new EndOhm chamber upper mount is made of polycarbonate and unaffected by alcohol. The glass chamber is easier to clean and more scratch resistant than the prior versions. The EndOhm is not recommended for incubator use due to risk of the glass cracking.

-Stability and reproducibility superior to the STX2 electrodes to 1% tolerance
-Can be used with 6, 12 or 24 well plates with removable inserts
-Symmetrical electrode pattern disperses test current uniformly
-Tri-leg supports offer mechanical stability and the membrane is held parallel to the electrodes (G version)
-Simple test procedure to verify electrode performance

TEER measurement for removable culture cup systems using EVOM2™ meters for endothelial and epithelial cell cultures.
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