miniPERM® Bioreactors

94.6077.121 94.6001.055 94.6001.059 94.6077.017
77589-824CS 6749.01 USD
77589-824 77589-802 77589-804 77589-820
miniPERM® Bioreactors
To keep cells happy, the selection of a suitable cultivation surface is essential. SARSTEDT offers a wide range of cell culture labware and accessories for many applications.

  • Applications: For protein, virus and biomass production
  • Design: For suspension cells
  • Exclusion size: 12.5 kDa
  • Autoclavable: No
  • Material: PC
  • Material of the dialysis membrane: CA
  • Purity: Sterile, non-pyrogenic/endotoxin-free, non-cytotoxic
  • Easy-to-handle bioreactor for cultivating eucaryotic suspension cells at a high density with the aim of producing proteins, viruses or biomass
  • Enables production of highly concentrated cell products in small volumes by dividing the miniPERM® into the production and nutrient module and rotating cultivation on the universal turning device
  • A dialysis membrane (cut-off size 12.5 kDa) separates the modules by enabling the diffusion of nutrients and small cell metabolites and preventing the transfer of cells and larger cell products from the production module
  • The gas is exchanged through a thin silicone membrane on the outside of the production module
  • Completed bioreactors with 35 and 50 ml production volume, or separate production modules for use with autoclavable nutrient modules

The SARSTEDT miniPERM® is an easy-to-use bioreactor for the cultivation of eukaryotic suspension cells at a high density with the aim of producing proteins, viruses or biomass. The miniPERM® bioreactor consists of a production and a nutrient module connected by a dialysis membrane. It enables the production of highly concentrated cell products in the small volume of the production module, while supplying the cells with nutrients from the nutrient module. The gas is exchanged through a gas-permeable silicone membrane on the outside of the production module.
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