Dri-Ref™ Reference Electrodes

77665-138EA 385.41 USD
77665-138 77664-216 77664-218 77664-220 77664-222 77664-224 77664-226 77664-338
Dri-Ref™ Reference Electrodes
Electrodes ISE Electrodes
Dri-Ref™ reference electrodes have extremely low electrolyte leak­age properties and exhibit stable and reproducible potential and low resistance.

  • Stored in KCl when not in use, they have a long life expectancy
  • Extremely low electrolyte leakage
  • Stable, reproducible potential with low resistance
  • Chemically resistant to strong acids and bases
  • Ideal for small volume, low salt concentration measurement (SUPER-Dri-Ref)

May be used with ion selective electrodes without contamination from the reference electrode. Although the internal filling solution contains KCI, the low fluid leakage means Dri-Ref may be used in combination with ion selective electrodes, including those for K+ and Cl-, without significant contamination from the reference electrode.

Dri-Ref electrodes are not suitable for use in organic solvents. In addition, the long, thin FLEXREF may be easily manipulated to accommodate a difficult experimental setup.

SUPER-Dri-Ref - With a diameter of 2 mm, SUPER-Dri-Ref does not leak electrolyte at all. Exhibiting the electrical stability of a classic flow­ing junction reference cell, this electrode exhibits low re­sis­tance and a stable half-cell po­ten­tial es­sen­tial­ly in­de­pen­dent of sample electrolyte concentration. SUPER-Dri-Ref is ideal for small vol­ume and low salt concentration mea­sure­ments.

DRIREF-450 - Micro-reference electrode – Only 450 µm in diameter and one inch long, this reference electrode can be used along with other sensors in space-restricted areas and very small sample volumes.

DRIREF-L - The male Luer fitting at the front of the electrode allows it to be easily connected to a female Luer port to form a tight seal - a very convenient installation for a flow-through system.
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