Nunc® UpCell® MultiDishes, Thermo Scientific

Supplier: Thermo Scientific
Nunc® UpCell®
174904 174897 174905 174903 174906 174899 174902 174899 174897 174906 174902 174904 174901 174898 174903 174898 174905 174901 174900 174900
89089-608CS 418.6 USD
CA89089-608 CA89089-616 CA89089-606 89089-608 CA89089-614 89089-616 89089-606 CA89089-604 CA89089-612 89089-614 CA89089-602 89089-604 89089-612 CA89089-610 89089-602 CA89089-600 89089-610 CA89089-598 89089-600 89089-598
Nunc® UpCell® MultiDishes, Thermo Scientific
Culture Dishes Cell Culture Dishes
Single-use vented multidishes feature a temperature-responsive cell culture surface that is ideal for culture passaging, single-cell analyses, and cell transplantation research

The surface allows harvesting of cells with intact surface proteins. Adherent cells are released by reducing the temperature of the cell culture. High cell viability is achieved with minimal hands-on time and without trypsinization or physical force. Ideal for harvesting of cell sheets and creations of 3-D tissue models held together by normal cell junctions and the extracellular matrix. Sterile.
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