Compresstome® Electrophysiology and Immunohistochemistry Kits

77435-460EA 1877.8 USD
77435-460 77435-466
Compresstome® Electrophysiology and Immunohistochemistry Kits
Microtomes and Microtome Assemblies Microtomes
These kits are used to assist researchers with their tissue sectioning for performing electrophysiological or immunohistochemistry experiments.

The Electrophysiology Kit is custom-made for Compresstome vibrating microtomes, for cutting acute brain slices (or other organ systems) for electrophysiology. This kit includes one Oxygenation attachment, one double-wall buffer tray, one magnetic blade holder, and one magnifying glass and LED light.

The Immunohistochemistry Kit for Compresstome vibrating microtomes is intended for cutting fixed slices. This kit includes two specimen tubes (15.5 mm) with matching plungers, one × stainless steel buffer tray, one chilling block, one magnetic blade holder, and one magnifying glass and LED light.
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