Mouse Igloo™ Enrichment Housings

Supplier: Bio-Serv
Mouse Igloo™
K3570 K3251 K3570 K3250 K3327 K3251 K3328 K3328 K3250 K3327
89412-072EA 6.15 USD
89412-072 CA89067-850 89067-852 89067-854 CA89067-852 89067-856 CA89067-854 CA89067-856 CA89412-072 89067-850
Mouse Igloo™ Enrichment Housings
Animal Supplies Animal Environmental Enrichment
Transparent polycarbonate igloos are ideal for cage checks and breeding programs

Fast-Tracs are unique activity wheels for use with the mouse Igloo that support natural and instinctive running behavior. Igloo floor snaps onto the mouse Igloo and allows mother and pups to be transferred together, improving pup survival rate.

Allows mice to withdraw from direct light and seek refuge from dominant cage mates. Certified (contaminant-screened) and autoclavable.
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