Weitlaner Retractors, Blunt, Sklar®

Supplier: Sklar
22-8345 22-8355 42-1865 42-1875 42-1895
82030-146EA 525.38 USD
82030-146 82030-148 82030-218 82030-220 82030-222
Weitlaner Retractors, Blunt, Sklar®
Sklar's® Weitlaner Retractor is a self-retaining, finger ring retractor with a cam ratchet lock used for holding back tissue and exposing a surgical site. It has curved shanks that lead to blades that have between two and six, sharp or blunt, outward curving prongs. The prongs interdigitate when the instrument is closed.

The Weitlaner retractor is a popular instrument, most commonly used in basic plastic surgery, large bone and joint procedures, and mastoid surgeries.

Censitrac Ready products are industry standard and constructed of stainless steel.

Ordering information: Censitrac instruments are custom barcoded to reflect the facility. This is unique customization. The initial order for the facility can take 14 to 30 days, subsequent orders can take less time.

Caution: Customers must have a Censitrac Site ID to purchase Censitrac instruments.
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