Control Slides, Special Stains, Luxol Fast Blue

Supplier: Mopec
SC836-10 SC836-100 SC836-20
76948-030CS 197.76 USD
76948-030 76948-032 76948-034
Control Slides, Special Stains, Luxol Fast Blue
Slides Microscopy Control Slides
All positive control slides are on Mopec IHC Enhanced Hydrophilic Adhesive Slides using Formalin Fixed Paraffin Embedded (FFPE) human tissue.

  • Product specific reactivity is guaranteed for one year from date of receipt
  • Revalidate after one year to verify continued reactivity
  • All controls are cut in serial sections at 4 microns
  • Standard tissue placement is mid-high on slide to facilitate placement of patient and control tissue on the same slide
  • All slides are air dried

Product specific reactivity is guaranteed for one year from date of receipt when stored properly at 60 to 80 °F in a humidity controlled and light-deprived environment.

Packaging: Case of 10 contains 10 unstained slides and 1 stained slide. Case of 20 contains 20 unstained slides and 2 stained slides. Case of 100 contains 98 unstained slides and 2 stained slides.
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