PROSAT® Gowning Room Wipes

Supplier: Contec
10797-040CS 238.3 USD
PROSAT® Gowning Room Wipes
Wipes Cleanroom Wipes Presaturated Cleanroom Wipes
Gowning room wipes are made using a strong cellulose/polyester non-woven fabric that is folded for easy pickup and very low in extractable residue.

  • Designed for easy pickup
  • Very low in extractable residue
  • Wipes remain clear and saturated
  • Wipes are always conveniently at hand

Saturated with a blend of 6% isopropyl alcohol and 94% deionized water, these wipes are ideal for glove wipe down during gowning procedures. The wipe is folded for easy pickup. Packaged in refill packs and a dispensing tub to keep the wipes clean and saturated.
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