C-Slide Chamber Slide, NanoEnTek

Supplier: NanoEnTek
76627-758PK 148.64 USD
C-Slide Chamber Slide, NanoEnTek
Slides Chamber Slides
C-Slide is a disposable cell counting chamber slide compatible with all Countess series, as well as EVE/EVE Plus cell counters.

  • For use with automated cell counters
  • No need for coverslips or washing (disposable slides)
  • Staining method: Trypan Blue
  • Reduce exposure to infectious samples and contamination
  • Reproducibility and reliability guaranteed
  • Made of sturdy quartz grade optical plastic

C-Slide is the same as Countess Slide. NanoEnTek is an original developer and manufacturer of the Countess and Countess Slide. C-Slide consists of two separate enclosed chambers each with two ports for sample injection. Each C-Slide can measure two different samples or two of the same sample.

Unlike a conventional hemocytometer, C-Slide is completely disposable and packed individually, hence convenient and contamination-free.
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