Backyard Brains® Heart and Brain Spikerbox

BYBP0082 BYBP0091
470343-182EA 12.5 USD
470343-182 470343-184
Backyard Brains® Heart and Brain Spikerbox
Educational Materials Biology Educational Materials Physiology Learning Activities
New Design!

  • Programmable, pre coded, Arduino board
  • Bundled with materials for recording heart and brain activity
  • Starting point for inquiry In Biology, Robotics, or Coding

With our Heart and Brain SpikerBox, you can view and record the action potentials of your heart (EKG) and the slow rhythms of your brain (EEG) using a Smartphone, Tablet, Chromebook, or Computer running our free Spike Recorder Software.

The EKG is the bodies most recognizable electrical signal, making cameos in medical TV shows for decades. Our experiments take you through the steps of how to record your own, and what these signals say about you. Tap into the cerebral cortex using our EEG headband to record both brain 'rhythms' as well as evoked potentials. Wait, there's more! You can also use this SpikerBox to record electrical deflections of the eye.
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